The Inventors Society of Australia has available approximately 5000 books and periodicals of interest to inventors.  We have listed below a few of the books and will add more  as time permits. Also almost all Popular Science &.Pop Mechanics 1930 to date + many others. 
How  To Make Money From Inventions

The Book Of Firsts  (US)

The Guineas Book of Australian Firsts 

Tomorrow's World - The Australian Initiative

The Dictionary Of  Famous Australians

Patented It  Yourself by patent attorney David Pressman

Against The Odds by James Dyson, inventor of the bagless cleaner

Inventorship -The Art Of Innovation.

Forbes  Greatest Business Stories Of All Time

Global Marketing For The Digital age.

Marketing In Australia.

Creativity, Invention And Innovation.

The Inventors Bible

Inventing Millions

Marketing Kit For Dummies.

Inventions And Patents.

Marketing In Australia And New Zealand.

Take Your Invention To Market.

Patents Searching Made Easy.

The Inventors Desktop Companion.

Brilliant Ideas

Launching New Products And Services.

Complete Manual On How To Make Big Money From Your Inventions And Patents, For Serious Inventors Who Want To Earn Higher Profits From Their Ideas

Inventive Australians

Inventing Modern America.

Australian Venture Capital Guide. ( annual list of companies offering venture capital )

Australian Inventors  (by Leo Port , engineer  and  Lord Mayor of  Sydney, one of three original panelists on the ABC television programm - The New Inventors,  1970 - 1981 and later What Will They Think Of Next on Channel 9.